热烈欢迎全国最著名最专业的画室 北京零一零美术培训中心的学生前来爨底下写生
Extremely warm welcome to the students from our country’s most famous and professional art academy Beijing 010 who have come to paint and sketch the historical village of Cuandixia.
Extremely warm welcome to the students from the most famous and professional 010 Art Academy 010 Beijing who have come to paint and sketch the historical village of Cuandixia.
Extremely warm welcome to the students from 010 art academy; our country’s most famous and professional art school in Beijing; who have come to paint and sketch in the historical village of Cuandixia.
Extremely warm welcome to the students from Beijing 010 Art School, our country’s most famous and professional art academy who have come to paint and sketch in the historical village of Cuandixia.
Extremely warm welcome to the students from the most famous and professional Beijing 010 Art Academy who have come to paint and sketch the historical village of Cuandixia.
Extremely warm welcome to the students from our country’s most famous and professional Beijing 010 Art Academy who have come to paint and sketch the historical village of Cuandixia.
Extremely warm welcome to the students from our country’s most famous and professional art centre the Beijing 010 Art Academy, who have come to paint and sketch the historical village of Cuandixia.
Extremely warm welcome to the students who have come to paint and sketch the historical village of Cuandixia from our country’s most famous and professional art centre the Beijing 010 Art Academy.
Students from our country’s most famous and professional art centre the Beijing 010 Art Academy are warmly welcomed to paint and sketch the historical village of Cuandixia.
Extremely warm greetings from Caundixia to the artists from our country’s most famous and professional training centre the 010 Art Academy, who have come to paint and sketch still life.
Landscape Painting
Photograph of a discarded painting palette, translations of a typical welcome banner found at the entrance to Cuandixia; a traditional folk village outside Beijing who host student artists from the Beijing Art Academy.