David Diao left China during the revolution in the late 50's to live and work in New York. He had his first exhibition and retrospective in Beijing in 2015 at UCCA in the 798 Arts District, with China finally reclaiming him as their own. Diao once had a conversation with a curator who allegedly remarked that he was not really a 'Chinese' artist when they parted. Diao made a painting in response to this comment titled "Pardon me, your chinoiserie is showing" a riff off the literary quote "Pardon me, your lingerie is showing." I saw his retrospective in Beijing and made a further adaptation to the sentence by replacing 'chinoiserie' with a combination of the words 'orientalism' and occidentalism'. In all other respects the painting is an exact copy.
Pardon Me (after David Diao)
Acrylic and vinyl on canvas
152cm x 183cm